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The Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC is a progressive Christian community overlooking Lake Champlain in the beautiful Vermont town of Charlotte. 



A Worshipping Community...

...that blends traditional hymns, prayers, preaching, and silence together with creative worship practices that honor God and open ourselves to God’s presence and call for our lives.  We invite everyone – whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey – to join us for worship and to join us at the communion table on the first Sunday of each month. Most children accompany us at the beginning of worship until the children’s time and then are invited to attend Sunday School for the remainder of the service…although children are always welcome to stay. After all, Jesus said that to such as these belongs the kingdom of heaven!

Enjoying Sunset
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A Compassionate Community...

...that takes seriously our call to love one another. Through the joys and struggles of community life we strive to be Jesus’ feet, hands, and heart for a world in need.  We find our purpose, place and fulfillment by doing what we can to imitate Jesus’ gift of self to others. We have a vibrant Missions Ministry that provides us with many opportunities to serve our neighbor – in our town, our state, our country, and our world. See the Faith in Action section of our website for more information.

A Seeking Community...

...that understands spiritual life and growth as a journey taken together.  We intentionally do not claim to have black and white answers to the great mysteries of life but we ask questions and seek answers together with honesty and openness.  Through study, prayer, worship, conversation over meals and other intimate settings we trust the Christian tradition to guide us and the resurrected living presence of Christ to inspire us towards deeper connection to God and more devout living of Christ’s example in the world.

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An Open and Affirming Community...

...that welcomes LGBTQ+ friends, among others, into the full life of the church.  We center our worship and community life upon Jesus Christ. We believe that God’s inclusive grace and love are revealed through Christ’s way.  Everyone is welcome to be a part of our community as we strive to be a sanctuary for all and a healing presence in the world, trusting in God’s Spirit to continue to reconcile us to one another in ever-deepening ways.

Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC

PO Box 12

403 Church Hill Road

Charlotte, VT 05445


802.425.3176  •

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CCC is an open and affirming

congregation of the United Church of Christ.

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©2025 Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC

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