Embraced by the healing love of Jesus Christ and inspired by his teachings, we commit ourselves to prayerful, compassionate and courageous action in the world.

We gather on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our worship service generally includes:
congregational singing of hymns and inspiring music, both old and new
a wide range of other music, including ancient chants, choral music, and piano, organ, and other instrumental music
assurance of healing and pardon
Bible readings
a sermon that connects the readings to our lives
a chance to share prayer requests
an invitation to make our offering
time for silence
a closing benediction (a blessing)
For now, we are worshipping in person and remotely via Zoom and YouTube Live. Our past services are available in our Worship Library. We plan to continue livestreaming our worship service for the foreseeable future to ensure that all who wish to worship with us can do so.
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. Our communion table is open to all who seek to grow closer to Jesus. When you are joining us remotely, feel free to use whatever elements you have handy – bread, crackers, or pretzels; grape juice, cranberry juice or water.
Our worship services occasionally include special ceremonies, such as baptisms, reception of new members, confirmation, and other important parts of our faith journeys.
Although this is a description of our “regular” services, we have a number of special services throughout the year. Learn more about our special services.
Nursery care is provided in the Vestry (building beside the church) beginning at 9:45 a.m. Children from pre-K through 8th grade generally attend the beginning of the worship service with their parents and are invited to go to Sunday School after the Time for Children portion of the service. Of course, children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary with their parents if they prefer.
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