Embraced by the healing love of Jesus Christ and inspired by his teachings, we commit ourselves to prayerful, compassionate and courageous action in the world.

"Keep our hands at work in prayerful, compassionate, and courageous action in the world."
About Pledging
Why We Pledge
Pledges made this fall go to the 2025 Operating Fund. The operating budget supports the ongoing activities of our committees and maintenance of the church itself.
How to Pledge
New - pledge online!
Pledge cards are available in the stewardship booklet (both printed and online), in the vestry, or just ask Kim or Tanya in the office to mail you one. Mail your pledge to the church in the accompanying envelope or put it in the church collection plate on Sundaymorning, or drop it off in the bookkeeper’s mailbox in the church office.
How Do I Make Pledge Payments?
Checks: Checks can be mailed or put in the plate with or without an envelope. Just write “Pledge 2025” on the memo line.
Bill pay from your bank: Use your bank’s online bill pay service to send checks by mail to the church’s mailing address. Just add “Pledge” in the notes.
Automatic payment from your bank*
With cash: use the pledge envelopes and write your name and “Pledge” on the envelope before putting it in the offering plate.
PayPal: On the church website Giving page: www.charlotteucc.org/giving or use the QR code on the back page of Sunday bulletins.
Gifts of Stock*
Additional pledge envelopes will be available for anyone who has made a pledge. Contact Tanya to have a box mailed to you.
After the end of year, you will also receive for your tax records a comprehensive statement of all donations received by the church in 2024, including those for special Missions collections, etc.
Any pledge pre-payments made this fall will also be on that statement for your tax records, but we will mark them as a pre-payment for the following year.
*If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact Tanya at 425-3176 x1 or cccbookkeeper@gmavt.net