Embraced by the healing love of Jesus Christ and inspired by his teachings, we commit ourselves to prayerful, compassionate and courageous action in the world.

The Missions Committee’s role is to fulfill the part of the mission statement of our church which urges us to “...commit ourselves to prayerful, compassionate and courageous action in the world.” We seek to realize this goal in and beyond our local community. We support partner organizations through financial giving, volunteer time, joint action and fund raising. The Committee meets monthly with the goal of trying to coordinate the timing of fundraising efforts and to share ideas and strategies for supporting and nurturing existing programs. We welcome and encourage everyone in the congregation to join with us in this vital work.
There are currently eleven major programs and agencies that we provide volunteer and/or financial support to, including:
Charlotte Food Shelf
The Charlotte Food Shelf, located in the basement of our Vestry, offers food and personal care items to families in the Charlotte area who are in need. We support the food shelf in three ways: 1) through an annual donation from the General Fund Budget; 2) through an in-kind donation of space to house the Food Shelf; 3) through donations of canned goods, personal care items and garden vegetables throughout the year. Learn more about the Charlotte Food Shelf, including ways you can help or receive help.
In addition, our church partners with the Charlotte Library, Charlotte Food Shelf, and Spear's Corner Store to provide meals for families in our wider community, particularly during school vacation weeks and summer vacation. CCC also supports the Vermont Food Bank with an annual donation from our core budget.
Christmas Giving Tree
The Christmas Giving Tree is an annual activity at CCC that provides additional assistance to families served by the Food Shelf and Lund. The goal is to provide families and their children with Christmas gifts. Each year staff at both Lund and the Food Shelf identify eligible families and children, and members of our congregation purchase gifts.
Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity
Our church provides both an annual cash donation and occasional volunteer work crews. Additionally, we have started organizing an annual “Stuff the Truck” events for residents of Charlotte and surrounding towns. Household and other items can be brought to the church where a truck from the Habitat Restore in Williston will pick them up.
JUMP (Joint Urban Ministry Project)
The Joint Urban Ministry Project, Inc., known as JUMP, is an interfaith ministry to assist individuals and families in crisis. JUMP helps with emergency assistance, pastoral care, referrals, and advocacy for persons with low incomes. JUMP operates each weekday morning at First Congregational Church in Burlington, serving individuals and families in Chittenden County and occasionally those in nearby counties. The Charlotte Congregational Church is one of the twenty-four Chittenden county churches that support this mission with financial and volunteer support.
Lund is a Burlington based agency that works to break the cycles of poverty, addiction and abuse by supporting pregnant and parenting teens, young adults, and adoptive families with a broad range of services. The overarching goal of Lund’s work is to provide education, treatment, adoption and family support services so that every child grows up in a safe, secure, and loving family. The Charlotte Congregational Church provides both direct financial assistance through a cash donation that comes directly from our annual budget and through special collections and donations throughout the year, including Mother’s Day “Pamper Yourself” baskets for Lund moms, Back-to-School bags for children of the Lund mothers, and our annual Christmas Giving Tree.
Malayaka House
Malayaka House is a rescue home in Entebbe, Uganda started in 2005 by Vermonter Robert Fleming. Founded when an infant was thrust into Fleming’s arms while visiting Uganda, Malayaka House has grown to house, support and educate over 50 children. Our partnership with this organization began in the summer of 2017, and in 2018 we formalized our financial support plan, committing to donating $3,000 per year for 3 years. We have been able to have virtual visits, shared video postcards, and written letters to our friends at Malayaka House.
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund (aka Vander Noordaa Fund)
The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund was initiated in 1985 with contributions in memory of Roelant Vander Noordaa, and designated by his family as a pastor’s discretionary fund for parishioners or community members in need of assistance in times of crisis, usually for fuel or food. Funds now are obtained by special collections, with proceeds disbursed at the direction of the pastor. This fund is critically important as it provides our clergy with the ability to respond quickly to the emergency needs of our community as the circumstances dictate.
Refugee Welcome
Our church joined up with Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program following the Vermont UCC’s adoption of a resolution at their annual meeting in April 2016 to join the interfaith “Refugees Welcome Campaign, and our team is very active.
Salvation Army Dinners
The Charlotte Congregational Church has been serving dinners to those in need at the Salvation Army for approximately 20 years.
SCHIP’s Treasure
SCHIP was formed in 2003 as a local non-profit organization of local faith communities from Shelburne, Charlotte, and Hinesburg working together to provide grants to improve the lives of neighbors and strengthen their communities. Funds are generated by the sale of donated items to SCHIP’s resale shop in Shelburne. Several members of the CCC community volunteer their time and effort to support the ongoing work of the organization.
New Community Project - Vermont Campus
Launched in August 2003, the New Community Project is a small nonprofit organization with a big goal: to change the world. They provide resources that challenge us, experiences that change us, and a community that gives us hope. Their focus is environmental sustainability and social justice, both of which are essential for a peaceful human community. NCP considers the spiritual dimension of our lives to be important, and seeks to bring about deep inner change in our personal and societal values. However, they welcome and work with anyone who shares their commitment to a world of peace and justice and sustainability.
Heifer International
HI works in 19 countries around the world alongside local farmers and business owners. They support farmers and their communities as they mobilize and envision their futures, provide training so they can improve the quantity and quality of the goods they produce, and connections to market to increase sales and incomes.
Ending poverty begins with agriculture. HI works with farmers and their communities to identify opportunities that deliver living incomes, creating solutions to local challenges that are designed to build inclusive, resilient economies. The expert staff works with farmers as they integrate climate-smart agricultural practices on their farms to increase resilience and crop production.
Ending hunger and poverty in a sustainable way. HI works with farmers to improve productivity, diversify their businesses and increase incomes. With a living income farmers can provide quality food for themselves and their families.
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