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Lay Leadership


The President is the lay leader of the congregation, elected because of his/her commitment to the Christian faith, wisdom, leadership, and sense of justice. The President is elected by the active church membership for a one-year term and may succeed himself/herself two times.


The Financial Steward is responsible for organizing and conducting an annual canvassing of members and friends of the congregation in order to raise funds to meet the church’s budget each year. S/he works with the Treasurer to develop a pledge drive goal and is elected for a one year term.

The Treasurer keeps an accurate record of the financial and investment affairs of the church, pays church bills at the direction of the Trustees, presents a financial statement at the annual meeting.


The Nominating Steward oversees nominations for officers and ministries based on recommendations from the Cabinet, officers and ministry members. The list of nominations is then presented to Cabinet and voted on at Annual Meeting.


The Clerk records the minutes of Cabinet meetings as well as annual and special congregational meetings. The Clerk also insures that the Administrative Assistant posts warnings prior to annual and special congregational meetings.


Ministries of One

The Auditor audits the financial and physical assets of the church by conducting reviews of internal financial controls, safeguards for our electronic systems and insurance coverage for all church assets.


The Financial Secretary receives, counts and deposits all cash money received by the church each week. S/he works in close cooperation with the church’s bookkeeper and makes sure that two unrelated people sign the cash receipts each week. 


The primary function of the Head Usher is to secure ushers for church services. The Head Usher may contact volunteers who have indicated that they would like to participate on an as-needed basis.


The Historian has the responsibility for collecting, organizing and recording historical data and artifacts relevant to our church as well as assuring that they be made available to the congregation and other interested people.


At the Charlotte Congregational Church, the Church Cabinet serves as the governing body of the congregation.  This group holds open meetings once a month which are run by the church President. 

Standing Ministries

For a more thorough descriptions of duties, please click HERE

The Christian Education Ministry works to create engaging and meaningful ways for people of all ages to deepen their Christian faith.

Christian Education

The Facilities Ministry stewards all church buildings and grounds, including maintenance and improvement.


The Music Ministry works with the Pastors and Music Director in developing and implementing the music ministry of the church.


The Trustees are charged with being good Christian stewards of all aspects of church finances.


These are our church's representatives to the Champlain Association and the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ.

Conference & Association Delegates

The Deacons work with the Pastors to enhance and support the spiritual life of the church, assist with communion, and care for and pray for those in need.


The Missions Ministry identifies ways in which our congregation can be God’s hands and feet in the world. 


The Social Justice Ministry provides opportunities for our congregation to work at a systemic level to address social and environmental issues.

Social Justice

This Ministry is responsible for ensuring that we welcome visitors and for providing opportunities for members of the church to become better acquainted with one another.

Welcome & Outreach

Tasked with investigating ways the church can ensure that our buildings, talents, and resources are best used.

Pastoral Relations

Task Forces & Ad Hoc Teams

Circle of Care

Providing meals, rides, companionship and help when it’s needed most. Contact a Deacon or Pastor for more information.

Circle of Prayer

The Circle of Prayer ministry commits to praying during the week for concerns raised in church on Sunday. It also gathers for prayer once a month after worship in the sanctuary.

Organ TeamTask Force

During the Spring of 2017, it was identified that the Estey Organ is not in good shape. A Task Force was created to research a possible acquisition of a new pipe organ.  Meets as needed to investigate replacing the current organ with a suitable replacement.  

Renew & Rejoice​ Task Force

During the 2018 Annual Meeting, the congregation endorsed the concept of gathering the ideas and visions of the congregation in an effort to better understand the direction they want to travel over the next fifty to one hundred years. Planning from a position of strength became the foundation for this endeavor.

Re-opening Task Force

The Reopening Task Force (RTF) was authorized by Church Cabinet on 6/17/2020 to serve as a resource to assist the church in reopening its buildings for worship, staffing, program and building rentals in the wake of COVID-19 suspensions. The goals of the RTF are: 

  1. To listen to the congregation, 

  2. To conduct research for safely reopening our buildings, 

  3. To make recommendations and guidelines for Cabinet to consider and act upon. 

Policies and Procedures Index

Access files HERE

Bylaws in booklet format HERE


  • Administrative Assistant Procedures

  • Bylaws, Covenants and Statements
    - Current Bylaws
    - Mission and Covenant Statements
    - Open and Affirming Covenant

  • Deacons
    - Various procedural documents

  • Facilities 
    - Emergency Contacts
    - Facility Rental Agreement

  • - Banner Visual Policies

  • Financial
    - Donation Management Policy
    - Financial Secretary Procedures

  • Personnel
    - Saff review forms

  • Safe Church
    - Policy and background check authorizations

  • Usher Duties

  • Wedding Information Packet

Deacons Ministry

  • The Deacons, having been called to serve with the Pastor(s) in the common ministry of the Christian faith, shall have charge of the spiritual life and welfare of the church. They shall consult with the Pastor(s) on all matters relating to the pastoral office.

  • The Deacons shall prepare and help administer the sacraments and receive new members.

  • The Deacons shall conduct a review of the Senior Pastor and Associate Pastor at least every two years.

  • The Deacons shall review the church membership list at least every two years to ensure its accuracy. Changes will be communicated to the Clerk to update the church’s records.

  • The Deacons shall be composed of at least six members of the congregation. A balance of men and women is desirable.


Facilities Ministry

  • Facilities shall be charged with being good Christian stewards of all church property (including grounds and all buildings), its maintenance, improvement/restoration, and budgets.

  • Facilities shall be responsible for the job description of the Custodian, defining duties, hours and pay. They will recommend to the Cabinet the hiring and firing of the custodian.

  •  Facilities will be responsible for managing routine building rentals and building rental agreements. See section E, paragraph 2 regarding contracts.

  • Facilities shall be responsible for periodic reviews and updates of any rental agreement.

  • In addition Facilities will oversee the unique requirements and condition of any specific spaces such as classrooms, playground, bathrooms, etc. used by renters.

  • Facilities shall be composed of at least four members (It is desirable to have a Trustee as one of these members).

Beautification Ministry

  • Beautification is charged with the stewardship and caring of the gardens, shrubs and trees on the grounds of the church.

  • Beautification is responsible for altar flowers and seasonal decorations.

  • They should coordinate with the Facilities Ministry on major landscape planning and be consulted on major decorating changes to the interiors.

  • Beautification shall be composed of at least four members.


Trustees Ministry

  • The Trustees are charged with being good Christian stewards of all aspects of church finances, investments, insurance, and capital fundraising.

  • The Trustees will have the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the church after contracts are approved by the Church Cabinet.

  • The Trustees will work with ministries with related staff positions to determine appropriate compensation (pay and/or benefits) to be approved by Cabinet.

  • The Trustees shall prudently manage the assets gifted to the Church for the purpose of providing a current income stream and modest long-term capital appreciation. The

  • Trustees will assume a fiduciary responsibility in their role as investment managers.

  1. The Trustees shall manage the investment of the long-term financial assets of the church (Endowments Fund) including the Church-Designated General Endowment, the Donor-Designated General Endowment, the Music Endowment, and the Organ Fund, the latter two in consultation with the Music Ministry. Although these funds may be consolidated for investment purposes, internal records will be kept to document donor restrictions and wishes. The Trustees shall manage The Wing Endowment as a separate and distinct account.

  2. The Trustees shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, or transfer real property without specific authority by a majority of the church members. The Trustees will make investment decisions, but it will be the responsibility of the Treasurer to execute trades in the accounts.

  3. The Trustees shall guide potential donors who are considering planned giving contributions to the church. Donors should be encouraged to consider a “sunset” date for any provisions on their contributions.

  4. Trustees shall manage a Church-Designated Endowment Fund. With the exception of the annual earnings that are transferred to the General Account, no portion of the Church-Designated Endowment Fund can be used without the a three-quarters majority vote of those members present at a duly warned special meeting in accordance with Article VII:B:1.

  • The Trustees shall have the responsibility of keeping a record of all Memorial Gifts, assuring their use for fitting purposes and carrying out the wishes of the donor when so specified in writing. The Bookkeeper will assist in maintaining this record.

  1. The funds shall be organized by unrestricted and restricted purpose according to the intent of the donors.

  2. The Trustees shall submit a report of all memorial gifts for each annual meeting.

  • Each year the Trustees shall prepare a church budget to be presented at the annual meeting.

  • The Trustees, in consultation with the Senior pastor, will be responsible for the job descriptions of the Bookkeeper and Administrative Assistant defining duties, hours and pay. They will recommend to the Cabinet the hiring and firing of these employees.

  • The Trustees shall be composed of the Treasurer and at least three members.

Christian Education Ministry

  • The Christian Education Ministry shall challenge itself to inspire the congregation to learn about God’s Word and God’s Love, with emphasis on educating people of all ages in the Christian faith.

  • The ministry shall have general responsibility for the educational program of the church, securing leadership and staff, selection of curriculum and providing equipment. The Pastor(s) shall provide support to the ministry.

  • The Christian Education Ministry, in consultation with the pastor(s), will recommend to the Cabinet the hiring or termination of the Director of Families, Children & Youth and be responsible for the job description defining duties, hours and pay.

  • The ministry shall provide support and direction and shall share supervisory responsibility for the Director with the Pastor(s).

  • Director of Families, Children & Youth shall be an ex-officio member of the ministry and shall not count toward the number of ministry members outlined below.

  • The Christian Education Ministry shall be composed of at least five members.

Missions Ministry

  • The vitality of any congregation is related to how it reaches beyond itself to the needs of others. The Missions Ministry shall inspire this congregation to examine and act upon this outreach. The role of this ministry shall be to serve the community, while modeling the Christian values of peace, justice, community and reverence for creation.

  • While often locally focused, the scope of the Missions Ministry may include local, state, national and global concerns.

  • The Missions Ministry shall consist of at least three members.


Social Justice Ministry

  • The Social Justice Ministry strives to deepen and promote the Christian values of peace, justice, community, and reverence for creation by identifying social and environmental issues, stimulating study, dialogue and prayer, and inviting action.

  • The Social Justice Ministry shall consist of at least four members.

Welcome and Outreach Ministry

  • Welcome and Outreach Ministry will be responsible for welcoming visitors and prospective members and providing opportunities for all to truly connect. It’s important to consider the changing needs of our local and church communities. The activities of this ministry may include such things as:

  1. Planning church-wide, fun-filled, inter-generational events;

  2. Coordinating Coffee/Fellowship hour following Sunday worship (setting up the schedule) and checking the kitchen to make sure supplies are on hand.

  3. Overseeing the publication of materials (brochures, welcome cards, etc.) that introduce people to the church, the church to visitors, and prospective members and members to each other.

  • The Welcome and Outreach Ministry shall consist of at least five members.

Conference and Association Delegates

  • Delegates shall be elected each year to represent this congregation at the Annual Meeting of the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ as well as meetings of the Champlain Association.

  • Delegates shall familiarize themselves with the issues presented at the Conference’s Annual Meeting and the Champlain Association meetings and report back to the congregation on the significant happenings, actions and pronouncements of the Annual Meeting.

  • The number of delegates is determined by the guidelines of the UCC.

Pastoral Relations Ministries

  • A Pastoral Relations Ministry may be chosen by the Senior and/or Associate Pastor(s) and the President, with the approval of the Cabinet.

  • The Senior Pastor and the Associate Pastor can each have their own Pastoral Relations Ministry.

  • Three members are suggested for each Pastoral Relations Ministry.

Music Ministry

  • The music ministry of the church is integral to the harmony of the service of worship by complementing the spoken word. Music “leads us sunward in the triumph song of life.”

  • The Music Director shall be an ex-officio member of the ministry and shall not count toward the number of ministry members outlined below.

  • The Music Ministry Committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

  1. Work with the Music Director and Pastor(s) in developing and implementing the music ministry of the church.

  2. Coordinate all music programs, secure substitutes for the organist and/or choir director when necessary and to supervise the purchases of music supplies.

  3. Ensure church property relative to the ministry of music (instruments, sheet music and robes) is properly cared for.

  • In the event that the present church organ needs extensive repairs (beyond the scope of the yearly budget for its maintenance), refurbishing, enhancement or replacement, the Music Ministry shall study the need and make specific recommendation(s) to the Cabinet.

  • The Music Ministry, in consultation with the Pastor(s), will recommend to the Cabinet the hiring or termination of the Music Director. The job description for the Music Director will define duties, hours and pay.

  • The Music Ministry shall consist of at least four members, with two members being from the church choir.

Ministry Meeting Minutes








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Annual Reports

Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC

PO Box 12

403 Church Hill Road

Charlotte, VT 05445


802.425.3176  •

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CCC is an open and affirming

congregation of the United Church of Christ.

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©2025 Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC

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