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& Staff

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Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen

Senior Pastor


Rev. Goldenbogen joined us in 2017 after serving as the pastor of the United Church of Underhill, VT where he had been Pastor since 2008. Prior to Vermont, he lived in the Boston area, where he received a Master of Arts degree in Theology and a Master of Divinity degree from Andover Newton Theological School. He served as Youth Pastor at the Congregational Church of Topsfield, MA. Kevin is from   Rochester, NY and holds a B.A. in English Literature from The   University of Pittsburgh. He is very involved with the Vermont   Conference, UCC where he has served in various leadership roles.     Kevin and his wife Deirdre have 2 sons. In his spare time, Pastor Kevin enjoys woodworking, playing recorder and drum, barbecuing, and baking bread.

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Rev. Susan Cooke Kittredge

Associate Pastor


Susan joined the staff as part time Associate Pastor on January 1, 2014, having been part of our congregation since 2009. She graduated from Andover Newton Theological Seminary and served for many years as Senior Minister of the Old Meeting House in East Montpelier, Vermont. She was the clergy representative to the Ethics Committee of Central Vermont Hospital for close to 20 years. Susan and her husband, Charlie, moved to Shelburne in 2008 from Middlesex, VT where they had lived for 37 years. Susan is an avid gardener and enjoys rowing on the lake in the early morning, knitting and baking bread.


Rev. Hadley Bunting

Associate Pastor for Families, Children and Youth


Hadley started attending Charlotte Congregational Church with her family in the fall of 2014, when her children were sold on the delicious spread at coffee hour. She served for a year on the Christian Education Committee and joined the staff as the Sunday School Coordinator in 2016, becoming the Director of Children, Youth and Families in 2019, and Associate Pastor in 2023. Prior to working at CCC she taught high school and college. She is a Member in Discernment studying at the New York School of Ministry and has earned a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education. She was born and raised on the western slope of Colorado.


Cameron Brownell

Director of Music Ministry


Cameron grew up in Colchester, VT and brings to CCC his experience as a music director, choral conductor, voice teacher, classically-trained tenor, and organist. He has a Bachelor of Music Education and Voice Performance degree from The Crane School of Music, SUNY Potsdam and a Masters degree in Sacred Music from the University of Notre Dame. Cameron is currently the Chorus Teacher at Champlain Valley Union High School in Hinesburg, VT where he conducts several choral ensembles and music directs CVU’s musical theatre productions. Cameron and his partner, Chance Hicks, now live in Essex Junction, VT and enjoy Sunday drives and watching The Golden Girls.


Kim Findlay

Administrative Assistant


Kim has had a variety of jobs over the years starting with raking leaves as a youngster. Currently, she gives back by doing graphic design for local non profits including Jane Kittredge's Playing for Good, Protect Our Wildlife, Essex Community Players, Vermont Wildlife Coalition, Vermoters for Animal Welfare,  as well as designing for small businesses. But the best job has been raising three now grown children who are scattered around the country. She is learning to work with horses using positive reinforcement and trying to lower her carbon footprint. She also enjoys being out in nature, birding, knitting, making sourdough bread and reading.


Tanya Demers



Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC

PO Box 12

403 Church Hill Road

Charlotte, VT 05445


802.425.3176  •

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CCC is an open and affirming

congregation of the United Church of Christ.

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©2025 Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC

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