Embraced by the healing love of Jesus Christ and inspired by his teachings, we commit ourselves to prayerful, compassionate and courageous action in the world.
Evening Bible Study
4- to 6-week small group sessions led by our pastors that help us deepen our faith by focusing on a specific book of the Bible or a specific topic from the Bible.
Recent courses include:
Scripture reflection, Lent 2019
Questions Jesus asked in the Gospels, Fall 2018
Loving Kindness & Ruth: A Brief Bible Study of the Book of Ruth, Summer 2018
Look Again! Revisiting Bible Stories We Think We Know, Fall 2017
The Book of Lamentations, Early Summer 2016
Wake Up Word
An early morning, half hour discussion group. Meets weekly Fall through Spring
Book Study Groups
Meet weekly or monthly to discuss a book and discuss how it influences or relates to our faith. New members are always welcome.
Recent books:
The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry
The Second Mountain by David Brooks
Beyond Resistance by John Dorhauer
The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr
Beauty: The Invisible Embrace by John O’Donhue
Here if You Need Me by Kate Braestrup
Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
Jesus: The Human Face of God by Jay Parini
Faith & Table
This weekly men’s group gathers to discuss various topics of faith. Contact Pastor Kevin for more information.
Graceful Passing
A workshop that addresses the many questions we face as we age and consider our own deaths. In addition to advance directives, wills and property, what do we hope our heart and soul legacy will be?
My Little Red File
Thinking about end-of-life issues is hard, so many people avoid doing so. However, putting everything your loved ones will need into a well-marked, orderly format can help your family from having to scramble to know your wishes should something occur. Over the course of two 1 ½ hour sessions, a hospice and end-of-life care education specialist will help a group compile what she calls her “little red file” that holds important documents including:
Completed Advance Directive
Last Will and Testament
Birth certificate
Social security card
etc. (you get the picture!)
Community Dinners
We often host dinners featuring a light meal and a guest speaker.
All programs offered by the Charlotte Congregational Church are free of charge. Participants may be asked to purchase necessary materials should they be needed, but scholarships are always available. We value your participation, so if the cost provides a hardship, please contact one of the pastors.